Benevolent Cards

Bayport FD

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Department Officers

 2024 Department Officers

Chief of the Department Robert Reilly*

First Assistant Chief Robert Dasch

Second Assistant Chief Brandon DeMulder


Treasurer Mike Padilla

Recording Secretary Rob Samson

Corresponding Secretary Andy Becher


Tom Coan Sr, John Hoek, John Baum

Department Clergy Pastor Sejin Cha




Our First Firehouse on Middle Road.  Photo Circa early 1900s courtesy of the Bayport Heritage Assoc. 

The Bayport Fire Department was organized by the residents of Bayport in August of 1891 as the Bayport Hose Company. Surviving solely on donations, they purchased a hose cart and built the first firehouse pictured on the right. A few years later, the Hook & Ladder company was formed and the name was changed to the Bayport Fire Department.













As far as we know, the Bayport FD is the only fire department that wears the original style uniform. It has become increasingly difficult to have our uniforms made. Components of our uniforms have been imported and made from around the United States and even abroad. After over 100 years of our uniforms being personally sized and hand made, we were able to find a company in Colorado that was able to machine manufacture them.

In the 1920's the Bayport Fire District municipality was created as a tax collecting entity to provide fire protection. In the 1950's the Fire District built a new Fire Headquarters at Snedecor ave and Railroad Street which is the current Headquarters for both the Fire District and Department.


Today, the Bayport Fire Department is stronger then ever operating with four companies (Hose, Hook and Ladder, Engine and Fire Police) and two squads (Rescue and Water Rescue), three Engines, a Hook and Ladder Truck, Brush Truck, Rescue Truck, Water Rescue Truck, two boats, three support or traffic vehicles, three chiefs cars and a bus. We have come a long way in over 100 years but we still hold close the tradition that has made us the unique department that we are.

3-14-5, the fire engine purchased new by the Bayport Fire Dist.  In Service until 1990, currently owned by the Bayport Fire Dept. 

The Bayport Fire Headquarters, Apparatus, Equipment and collection of taxes, budgets/spending are handled through the Bayport Fire District, a separate government entity within the Town of Islip and completely separate and autonomous from the Bayport Fire Department.  The Fire District owns the Fire Headquarters, Apparatus and Equipment, not the fire department.  For questions relating to these or your taxes, please contact the board of Fire Commissioners at 631-472-0641 or look at our FAQ section.  


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