About the Water Rescue Squad
- Written by Bayport F.D.
- Published in Water Rescue
- Read 4979 times
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Bayport NY is located on the South Shore of Suffolk County on New York's famed Long Island and is situated along with one of the busiest boating routes.
On Bayport's west border, the Sayville Ferries shuttle passengers back and forth to the Fire Island Pines, Cherry Grove, Water Island, Sailor's Haven, and Sunken Forrest. To Bayport's East are the Ferry services to Davis Park and Watch Hill. This area is also used by boaters who choose to navigate through the Great South Bay instead of using the Fire Island and Shinnecock Inlets. Because of this Bayport routinely is called upon for water rescue-related emergencies in an area twice the size of Bayport. Additionally, Bayport responds in tandem with The Patchogue, Blue Point, Sayville, and occasionally Great River Fire Departments on all Water Rescue Emergencies in the Great South Bay.
Bayport also has within its own borders, Brown's River, Homan's Creek, Lotus Lake, and the San Souci Lakes.
Members of The Bayport Fire Department who wish to be apart of the Water Rescue team go through advanced training through Team Lifeguard Systems that comprises Surface tender and Ice Rescue technician as well as Rapid Deployment/Search and Recovery Diving, Black Water, Full Face Mask (AUGA), and Dry Suit Training.
The Squad operates with a Custom Built 2005 Ford F-550/Marion Water Rescue Truck, am AM General Bobbed 2 1/2 ton High Water Vehicle, a 2020 33'' Silvership, and a 10' Avon inflatable (attached to the Water Rescue Truck).