Bayport FD

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Big Buck$ FAQ

What is Big Buck$ Bonanza?

Big Bucks is the Bayport Fire Department's primary fundraising event.  The money gained from this event pays for the annual expenses of the Fire Department.  2000* tickets are sold throughout the year until they are sold out. 

How much does a ticket cost?

Each ticket costs $100*

What is the 1891 ticket?

Each ticket is numbered 0001 - 2100 (beginning 2024) with 2099 tickets sold.  Ticket number 1891 (in honor of the year we were founded) is raffled off for $1 on the day of the event to participants that are present.  The winner receives the 1891 ticket which is eligible for all prizes. 


Fundraiser for Rebecca DeSantis

As you know,  the dedicated volunteer firefighters of The Bayport Fire Department have been serving our community for almost 125 years, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.  Today we are asking the community to help us.  The Bayport Fire Department is raising money for the wife of one of our members who is currently battling Leukemia.  
On Saturday, November 7, 2015 we are hosting a fundraiser to offset some of the families medical and living expenses during their time of need. Please join us for a great evening and help make this a success!!!  For more information or to purchase tickets, please click here or call 631-472-0641
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