BFD News Archives

Bayport FD

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The Missing Monument

The Missing Monument



Being part of a close knit organization that has its roots deep within the community for well over 100 years you’re bound, from time to time, to come across some history.  When I joined the Fire Department 25 years ago, they were starting to design an extension on the current headquarters to house the new ladder truck. During this time, the department’s 100th anniversary was quickly approaching. As the days went on, historic relics of the Bayport Fire Department’s past emerged. Old radios and helmets, fire nozzles and antique extinguishers, and a vast collection of journals and photographs. As the extension neared its completion, one of the members delivered a beautiful stained glass window that was saved from the destruction of the old firehouse and it was installed in the new extension. The department also set out on a quest to find and restore its first hose cart from 1891. While they lost the trail, they were able to find and restore a duplicate. 


BFD responds to Working House Fire

Photo by Chris WagnerThe Bayport FD. Responded to a Working house fire on Kaywood Ct just after Midnight on July 5.  The fire was contained to the attached garage of the house.   (Photo by Chris Wagner)





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Ladies Auxiliary

The Bayport Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary is an independent entity within the Department for women who are not "members" of the Fire Department that wish to support the Department.  The organization at times of emergencies may be activated to assist with preparing food & supplies for firefighters, first responders and evacuees.  They are also an essential part of the community that helps those in need.

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