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William S Shipley

William S Shipley, who had been a Life Member and past president of ASRE, died unexpectedly January 13 at his home in Bayport, L.I. Mr. Shipley, chairman of the board of York Corp, was 71 Years old. Active in Society since 1906 when he became a member, Mr. Shipley was president during 2923 and vice president the preceding year. He serves as a director in 1918-20 and 1921. His brothers, Thomas and Samuel J, both of whom are dead, were Charter members of ASRE and Samuel was president in 1912. During WWII, Mr Shipley organized the so-called “York Plan” a project that resulted in the mobilization of industries of the Pennsylvania community of York for defense production. The plan, later widely copied, had as it slogan : Do what you can with that which you have. Born in Jersey City on March 28, 1879, Mr. Shipley was the son of Samuel and Eliza McFall Shipley. He received his mechanical engineering degree from Cooper Inspire of New York city. After serving an apprenticeship with Diehl Motor Company, Elizabethport, NJ and the Nash Gas Engine Company in Brooklyn, Mr Shipley became affiliated with the York concern in 1900. In 1907 he became VP of the Shipley Construction and Supply company which sold York products. Later, in 1927 his company merged with York to become the York Manufacturing company with Mr Shipley as its Vice President. The company reorganized and was known as York Ice Machinery Corp with Mr. Shipley as President of the concern in 1930. In 1940 he became chairman of the board. In 1942. Mr. Shipley was named by Donald M Nelson, then chairman of the War Production Board, to head the Smaller War Plants Corporation. During this period he was also chairman of the defense committee of the Manufacturers Association of York. Mr. Shipley, who had been chairman of the board of York-Shipley, Ltd, of London also served as director of the Western & Campbell Company, Chicago and the Auditorium Conditioning Corp, New York. He was president of the Refrigerating Machinery Association in 1939 and 1940 and director of the York Young Men’s Christian Association. He was a member of the Engineers Club of New York. His wife, the former Anna Elizabeth Olsen, died May 1949. He leaves a daughter, Mrs Ruth McNaught of Bayport. ∫
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