Frequently Asked Questions
- Written by Bayport FD
- Published in FAQ
- Read 4448 times
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What happens if my house was on fire and it is not inhabitable?
The Fire department will call in the American Red Cross to assist you through this process. They will be able to assist you with temporary living, food and clothing. You should also notify your insurance company immediately.
There is an emergency at my house and I want to go back in the building. Can the Chief prevent me from entering?
Yes. The Chief or fire officer in charge, has the ultimate authority over a fire scene (this does not mean there has to be a fire) even though you may own the property. This is to allow the fire department to conduct their operation safely and effectively. Should you disobey the order of the Fire Chief or officer in charge, you may be subject to arrest.
There is an animal in distress, does the fire department rescue animals?
Our primary objective is to save human lives and property. Within the parameters of our basic operations, if we come across an animal inside a building, we will make every attempt to rescue that animal, however, we will not unnecessarily risk a human life over an animal. Additionally, the Bayport Fire Department typically does not respond on animal rescue/distress calls (although there are always exceptions). If you contact the fire department, we will notify the necessary agency(s) to assist the animal.
Does the Fire Department accept donations and to they participate in a fund drive?
Yes. The Fire Department (not the fire district) is a non for profit entity that survives solely on donations. The Department and it's companies host various fund raisers during the year (look at our fund raising section). Additionally the fire department conducts a mailing fund drive. From time to time, the department has gone door to door however this is very rare. Should someone knock on your door asking for a donation for the fire department, please make sure they have a Bayport Fire Department badge and official Bayport Fire Department issued identification.
What is the difference between a Fire Department, Fire District and Fire Company?
In Bayport, the Fire Department is a private membership non for profit corporation with the purpose of providing firefighting and rescue services. They are contracted with the Bayport Fire District which is similar to a municipality or the Board of Education. It has officials (fire commissioners) that are publicly elected. They over see and collect the tax dollars which pay for assets used for fire protection. The fire companies (in Bayport) are primarily social subdivisions within the fire department. Members are assigned to one of four companies. Members with specialized training may also be co-assigned to the Rescue and/or Water Rescue Squads. Members of the Bayport Fire Department are cross training in engine, truck and rescue operations which allows the BFD to respond as one department instead of individual companies.
Why do Firefighters break windows?
Firefighters break windows for two reasons. It is a way for them to escape in case the fire becomes to intense and it allows the very intense heat and gases to escape.
Is a Firefighters turnout gear fireproof?
Unfortunatly it is not, but it does protect them to a certain extent from the heat.
How long can a Firefighter stay in a fire with an Air Pack on?
Airpacks vary in size but typically only 10 minutes of "working time" and 5 to 7 minutes of "escape time".
Has the Bayport Fire Department ever had a Firefighter die in the line of duty?
Since 1891 the Bayport Fire Department has lost only one member in the line of duty. Joseph "Scotty" Farrell passed away while on active duty during a fire in 1991. Glen Wilkenson (LT, Eng 238 FDNY) was killed in the line of duty on 9/11/01. Lt. Wilkenson was a resident of Bayport. Both Mr. Farrell and Lt. Wilkenson have been made Honorary Members.
Does the Bayport Fire Department have a dalmation?
The BFD used to have dalmation named Corey.
Does the BFD have a pole?
Is the entire Fire Department volunteer?
Yes. All of the firefighters are volunteer. Fire District Employees are paid. They include a full time dispatch staff and two maintenance people or housemen and a mechanic.
Is it rare to have a volunteer fire department?
Actually no it is not. In the United States there are about 31,114 Fire Departments and about 1,082,500 Firefighters. Of the total 31,114 fire departments in the country, 22,636 are all volunteer; 4,848 are mostly volunteer; 1,602 are mostly career; and 2,028 are all career. That means that there are 804,200 volunteer firefighters in the US.
Is the Bayport Fire Department Accepting Applications for Membership?
We are always looking for new members! If you are interested in joining, please click on Join Us or feel free to stop down or call the fire department.
Should I call 911 or the BFD Hotline for an emergency?
The Bayport Fire District maintains/employs an emergency communications office that is staffed 24/7/365 and dispatches The Bayport, Blue Point Fire Departments as well as Community Ambulance which serves, Bayport, Sayville, West Sayville, Oakdale and Bohemia. This office is located at the Bayport Fire Headquarters. If you have a fire or life threatening emergency, call 631-472-4411. For police and medical emergencies, please dial 911.
Are Volunteers Trained as well as Paid Firefighters and what is the difference?
Without Question, Volunteer Firefighters are trained just as well as paid firefighters. In fact the training never stops. After the first year of the Fire Academy and in house training, serveral Drills are held per month. Volunteer and Paid Firefighers are both professional firefighters. The only differences are the paycheck and shift work.
How are Volunteers notified of a fire?
BFD Firefighters are notified via three methods. Voice Pagers & Text messages, that when activated give the type of alarm and location, and Air Raid Sirens. Currently there are three sirens in Bayport. The Sirens are generally not used late evening and overnight except in certain circumstances. While this system may seem antiquated, they are a necessity. They alert the public to an emergency both fire, natural, and other emergencies.
Who is in charge of the Fire Department?
The Chief is in charge of the Fire Department (elected by the dept and approved by the BOFC) followed by his two assistants. Captains and Lieutenants are incharge of the companies or general membership. The Chief (and other officers positions) is an annually elected position. Currently the Chief of the Department is Paul Dolce (since 2017).
How many Fire Trucks does the Bayport Fire Department have?
Currently the BFD has 3 Fire Engines, 1 Ladder Truck, 1 Brush Truck, 1 Rescue Truck, 1 Water Rescue Truck, 2 Boats, 1 Van, 1 pick up, 3 SUVs (dedicated water rescue, dedicated first responder and one misc), 3 Chief SUVs, 1 High Water rescue truck, 1 Bus and 2 race trucks.
How often do you replace a fire truck?
This all depends on the vehicle and is up to the Fire District. The Bayport Fire Department takes very good care of all of the Fire Districts equipment. Typically a Fire Engine, Rescue Truck and Ladder Truck is replaced every 20-25 years. Chiefs Vehicles are usually replaced every six to eight years. The department/district took position of a new high water rescue truck, 3-14-25, in 2019 and is also in the process of replacing our fireboat.
What other emergencies then fires does the Bayport Fire Department respond to?
the BFD provides extensive rescue services including high priority EMS, Car Accidents, Water & Ice Rescues, Haz Mat, Air Craft and other Emergencies.
What is the Blue Light?
New York State authorizes, with the permission of the Chief of the Department, any active firefighter to display a forward facing blue light while responding to an emergency. This is a courtesy light and yielding the right of way is not mandatory but should be considered. In 2016, NYS Governor Cuomo signed into law a revision to the States "Move Over" Law and "Blue Light" Law which now requires vehicles to yield the right of way to responding first responders displaying a blue or green flashing light. Additionally, Police, EMS and Fire apparatus have rear facing blue lights used in combination with Red and/or yellow lights.
Does the BFD participate in sporting events?
Of course! The Red Devils are the name of the Sports teams of the Bayport Fire Department. Currently The Red Devils have a very active Softball and Horseshoe team. In the Past the Red Devils have had a Drill team, bowling team and basketball team! The Red Devils Drill team has performed all over New York State as well as Las Vegas!
Do you sell patches, t-shirts and jackets?
In accordance with the Dept of Homeland Security, it has been recommended that Fire Departments no longer sell or give away patches, Shirts or Jackets that resemble "official" clothing or uniforms. The Department, Companies and sporting teams usually have shirts that are available to the general public. If you are interested, please write, email or call the BFD for more info. If you are a member of a Police, EMS or Fire Department we may be able to make an exception to the recommendation.
What is Fire Police?
The Fire Police members are authorized under the Chief of the Department to protect the scene of an emergency and any roadway leading to that scene. They are also authorized by the Suffolk County Sheriff's office as Peace Officers during times of emergencies.
Does the Fire Department rent out it's meeting hall?
The Bayport Fire Department has no authorization to rent out or allow people or entities to use the Fire House for any reason. The Firehouse and it's associated equipment is owned by the Bayport Fire District. Any requests for usage must be made through the Board of Fire Commissioners for the Bayport Fire District. The Bayport Fire Department does own a building and park however this is private property and not opened for public use.
Does the Fire Department issue or approve permits for block parties or other public events?
No. The Fire Department and Fire District does not issue and/or approve public permits of any kind. Permits for events like this are issued by the Town of Islip. Once the Town of Islip issues permits like these, the Fire Department and Fire District are notified of the event.
Is the Fire Department on Social Media?
Yes! The department is on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin. Please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the social media icons to access our pages.
Does the Fire Department give scholorships?
Yes. The Fire Department works closely with the Bayport-Blue Point High School to support two scholorships. Certain criteria applies.
Does the Fire Department have a Junior program?
Yes. The Bayport Fire department has a junior firefighter program. Members of the juniors are elegible to join the fire department at age 17 instead of 18. The Bayport and Blue Point Fire Departments have a combined junior racing team as well. For more information, please contact Ex Captain Robert Dasch at fire headquarters.
Does the Fire Department attend parades?
Yes. Typically the fire department attends the Bayport - Blue Point St. Patrick's Day parade, Memorial Day Parades in Sayville and Bayport, and Holiday parades in Sayville, Patchogue and Bohemia. Occassionally we attend other specialty parades.
Where can I purchase a Big Buck$ ticket and who can attend with me?
Please see the Big Buck$ section for questions regarding the event here or call 631-472-2244.
For questions regarding The Bayport Fire Department District Headquarters building, property, equipment, insurance, or your fire taxes, please refer these to the Board of Fire Commissioners.