Thank you to First Responders
- Written by Bayport FD
- Published in coronavirus disease COVID-19
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Thank you First Responders
Lexi Stoff, a soon to be senior at North Shore High School in Glen Head (and aspiring engineer), organized the following
The Bayport Fire Department was lucky enough to have Lexi include us in this wonderful campaign. Below was the follow up email I received, along with thank you notes, which Lexi is still receiving.
Thank You Letters
1) Thank you so much for putting yourself at risk to help others. I am so grateful for you. I hope you find moments of joy in between these hectic moments. Sending love and light!!!
2) Hi! I’m a student at North Shore High School in Long Island and I cannot thank you all enough for being there for all the sick and those in need of any help by any means. It takes immense amounts of selflessness to do what you do, and for that I want you to know that your amazing acts of bravery and selflessness will never be forgotten. Thank you thank you!
3) Thank you for courage and bravery!!
4) Thank you all first responders for risking their life and health during this pandemic.
5) Thank you to all you brave people. You have changed the world , where would we be without you. Stay safe and stay strong.
6) I would just like to say thank you for giving your lives, time, and energy for those who need your help the most. This is what it means to be an American; to help those in need and to protect our loved ones. Stay safe and thank you again for everything you do.
7) hello my name is Danielle and i am 16 years old. I would like to thank you to my heart for helping out on the front lines. your work and actions save many life. your unselfishness doesn’t go unnoticed and is appreciated thank you
8) Dear Health-Care Worker, Thank you for putting your lives at risk every day for the good of others. In these uncertain times, many people choose to back down and worry about their own well-being rather than the livelihood of others. Please know that what you are doing is heroic and appreciated by millions in our country and around the world. You are saving lives and making a positive difference in the world, so thank you!
9) Dear first responder, Thank you for all you’ve been doing through these tough times. This is a hard pandemic that we’ve never experienced. Stay strong and never give up.
10) Dear first responders, Thank you for all that you are doing during this pandemic. The world cannot thank all of you enough. The bravery, courage, and dedication all of you are showing the world is admirable and inspiring. If we didn’t have all of you to get us through this, we wouldn’t be able to survive during this pandemic. Once again, thank you for all of your hard work, and for getting up and going to work day after day, even if that means putting your own life on the line to help others. We appreciate you, and you are in our prayers.
11) Thank you for helping people during this time. Putting yourself out there is truly a courageous act and it doesn’t go unnoticed! Again, thank you a million times. Stay safe.
12) Dear all first responders, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR RISKING YOUR LIVES TO HELP OTHERS!!!! You put your life on the line, and I really appreciate all the work you’ve done. So thank you so much!! Stay safe, stay healthy and have a good week!! :):)
13) Dear First Responder: Thank you for literally risking your own life to save my life, the lives of my family, friends, neighbors, community, fellow citizens of the county, state, country, world. You’re doing it all. Everything is interconnected. Everything is on the line, and you’re doing the work to change history and save lives. You’re an absolute hero. Thank you for all that you’ve done. Thank you for continuing to do what you do. Thank you for being the kind of person that puts others before themselves, who dedicates themselves to a life of service to the public and your local community. I myself am a teacher here in Nassau County. I’m proud to tell you that this letter is getting to you because of the efforts of a former student of mine who has organized this letter to first responders project. I think I speak for all my colleagues when I say that, it’s when we see our students act out of genuine appreciation, compassion, caring, and concern for others, that we are most proud. Thank you always, hero. Sincerely, Brian
14) Thank you for all your do, And continuing to make it a better place even through these dark times Thank you for sacrifices you make than most we do in our entire lifetime. We appreciate everything you do.
15) Thank you so much for what you do. You are counted on, reliable, and looked up to. You truly make a difference, your community feels your touch.
16) Thank you for being the saviors of this pandemic. Working all of the time, trying to care for patients that require help. Thanks to you, the world will be able to recover faster from this pandemic :)
17) Thank you for all that you are doing for our country,, thank you for putting your lives at risk everyday to help your community. Thank you
18) Thank you so much for helping keep all of us save it means a lot to me I and my family. I hope you are doing okay and making sure not only that the people around you are healthy but you too because it’s important you stay healthy too! I mean I really don’t know what’s happening out there because I’ve been stuck in my home for over a month but your actually doing something to help out so thank you for that I really appreciate you :D
19) Thank you for all you do ❤ ❤ ❤
20) Thank you for working endlessly and treating each life with care during a time of chaos. We are all here for you now more than ever cheering you all on! You are heros
21) Thank you for the sacrifices you have made and all you are doing during this pandemic. Jack Gottfried
22) Thank you for your courage and strength during these times. Luke Gottfried
23) Thanks so much for your efforts. Dont forget to take a little time everyday to take care of yourself. You cant take care of others if you dont take care of yourself first. Remember to “take your own pulse first”.... Sending love and light to my fellow first responders xoxo
24) Thank you to all who risk their lives day after day to tend to the sick and dying. May God Bless you all. So thankful for all you earthly Angels.
25) We are ever so grateful for your unselfish work. You have kept us safe and there are no words to Express our gratitude and love for all that you are doing God bless all.
Thank you for your bravery and kind heart ❤
26) Dearest First Responders. Your courage and strength in the face of this pandemic does not go unnoticed. Thank you for all you do. Risking your health and the health of your family to be there for others is a true mark of an earth angel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Janet Denny- Glen Cove, NY
27) Dear First Responders, I cannot thank you enough for all of your bravery, hard work, and dedication during these insane times. You are risking your lives just to help others, and that proves that we are true Americans. You are doing an insanely good job keeping everyone safe and I know we will defeat this soon, together. thank you all again.
28) Thank you for putting your health at risk to keep us safe during this time of uncertainty. I am grateful that we have beautiful people in the world like you , who do what is right and protect their people. Thank you for working hard at this time and stay strong cause we are all here to support you. Stay safe
29) I would like to thank all of you first responders out there who are putting their lives on the line for the well being of those who have been affected by COVID-19. I understand that you guys may not be able to see your families...many people like myself are feeling the same pain as we all must stay quarantined.
30) Nevertheless, I can assure you that we are all in this together and that your families, as well as all who are quarantining, are very proud of everything you have done. And when you do see them again, you will have made it safer for them to go out and live their lives they way they would be right now if not for COVID-19. Never lose sight of the fact that you will be the reason why many people will be able to see their families and enjoy their lives once again; your impact on society will never be forgotten and you are making the world a better, safer place. Again, I cannot thank you enough for the efforts you have made to help those who are battling COVID-19. You are doing an unbelievable job and deserve all of the praise that comes your way. I wish you all the best.
31) Dear first responders, During these tough and uncertain times, I would like to thank you for all that you do to keep people safe. I know that your jobs consist of long and tiring hours, but please know that you are supported and loved. Your community is here to support you with anything you made need. You continue to inspire me to go out and make change in this world. You are truly hero’s, please keep doing what you are doing and being the positivity the world needs during these dark times. We are here for you !
32) Dear Front Line Workers, Thank you so much for all you have done during this pandemic. Your hard work, dedication and countless hours have not gone unnoticed. My family and I are forever grateful for all you are doing. Thank you and stay safe!
33) To whatever first responder that gets this letter, Thank You! Thank you for risking your life in order to help and protect everybody else, and for sacrificing everything in order to fight this virus. I don’t know what else to say except thank you, there is going to be no way for anyone to repay you for all that you have done during this crisis. I hope that this letter brings you at least a smile in this hard time, I know that when I see you guys with a smile or laughing it makes it a little easier for me to get through this. As much as people are looking to mayors, and governors and the president for reassurance during this time, they are looking to first responders even more. Because we know you are the ones truly fighting this virus you are the ones who are seeing everything first hand and if you guys are able to tell us that we will get through this one way or another then we believe you, so thank you. I hope that you are staying as safe as you possibly can and that you and your family are healthy. Know that we are fighting for you guys just as much as you are fighting for the rest of us. With Love, A teenage girl from Long Island, New York
34) Thank you for risking your lives to help everybody else. It takes a lot of courage to do what you are doing. You are a hero. Stay safe, keep up the good work.
35) Thank you for helping people who need it, and risking your own lives for others.
36) Thank you for risking your lives for the safety of others, you guys are the true heroes.
37) Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so selfless!! You truly are heroes!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Thank you
38) Thank you all so much for putting your health and lives on the line for the rest of us!!! I am deeply grateful to all for doing so!!! Health and Best wishes, Debra Razzano-Nerud
39) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can’t imagine how tired you are, how saddened you are, how scared you are, how overwhelmed you are! Hoping you can experience at least a moment of strength, peace, healing, quiet, and comfort each day. You’re a hero! You’re an angel! Thank you for keeping me and my family and friends safe and healthy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
40) you are all people to be proud of. I find peace in knowing that there are truly caring people in the world like you ?
41) Thank you so much for all of your help in this difficult time. it means so much to each and every person. I hope for healthiness to all of you!
42) My family and I want to thank you all for being out in frontlines. You put your lives on the line so that we can be safe and have what we need. Your are a description of what a true hero is !! You all are our hero’s !! May God Bless You All , and keep you safe. Again thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
43) During an age of extreme selfishness and ignorance your work often goes under appreciated and forgotten but there are still many of us who cherish you and the work you do. Without your strength and fearlessness our communities would crumble at the hands of this pandemic and for that I truly thank you and am eternally grateful to you all.
44) Thank you for everything you are doing during these difficult times. You are very brave and heroic!
45) To all the first responders out there, I see you and I value you. I am beyond grateful to be safe in my home. I make sure to socially distance myself so that you guys on the front lines can do your job. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping the world. Please stay safe. Together we WILL get through this.
46) Thank you for sacrificing your health to help other people that are sick. You have saved many people lives and are really helping to stop the coronavirus.
47) Hi. I am a student at North Shore Middle School and am in 7th grade. Recently I have been watching the news and have been learning about what is happening in our world today. It’s a lot of pressure for first responder therefore I would like to say thank you. Thank you for waking up every morning and risking your lives for those in need. Ever since I could remeber I’ve wanted to become a doctor as my future career. Learning about what is going on right now and how you guys are helping everyone pushes me even more to make that decision when I’m older. You guys have inspired me even more. It takes a lot of courage to do what you guys do everyday and the way that first responders are handling this situation amazes me.
Thank you for all the help that you are giving our world right now.
48) Thank you so much for your and your families’ lives on the line to help protect everyone else. Please know how many people deeply appreciate your help, and stay safe. This will all hopefully be over soon.
49) Thank you for all your hard work that was put in that ensures the safety and well beings of others that are affected by the pandemic. Words can not describe how thankful we are for the efforts you guys put in during these times and I wish you guys would stay safe and to help out more people who are in need.
50) Thank you to all first responders and people helping ones who are in need without you, nothing would be possible. we all hold you and your families in the highest regard. stay safe, you are in our prayers.
51) Dear First Responders during these tumultuous times, I would like to attempt to express to you the absolute and complete admiration and respect i have for your work, your service, and yourself. You are not only putting yourself at risk, but you are doing so for the purpose of helping those who can’t help themselves and those who desperately need it. This is something unprecedented in our nation’s history and despite the uncertainty in these times you have stepped up and proven to be courageous, selfless, and honorable. Not only will you receive much gratitude from all those afflicted from around the world, but the appreciation for your work will surely stand the test of time and without a doubt find it’s way into our history books one day. There are people who are on the doors of death and those who’ve never felt worse in their lives, but they can have solace and comfort inn knowing you’re there helping them survive and get through this in any way you can. No matter how big or small a job you have at any point, it is a job that the world can never thank you enough for. And i myself feel very lucky to be part of the same nation and perhaps even same community as people like you who strive to better our world. Continue to be amazing and noble, the world wouldn’t be the same without you.
52) My family is humbled and grateful to all healthcare workers during this difficult time. Your hard work and compassion does not go unnoticed. Because all of you, we will all be able live in a safer, healthier world. Thank you for your sacrifices! We appreciate you all.
53) Thank you for putting your lives at risk to save everyone else. Thank you for choosing to put other’s needs before your own. Thank you for being the ones who are on the front line everyday, seeing the horror that the world is going through. You are the best of all of us right now. You are the person who risk their lives, so that someone else doesn’t have to loose their mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma, or grandpa. Thank you for your service and thank you for being the ones on the front line. The world would be a much scarier place without you. Thank you!
54) Dear first responder, Thank you for all your hard work. We really appreciate it! Putting your life on the line to help those in need is very brave, and we are very thankful to have you. Have good year! We are so very grateful for everything you are doing to support your community members! You are heroes! God bless you all.
55) I’m really into superheroes. Capes, spandex and righteous justice, the whole package. But these shows, comic books and movies are always considered works of fantasy. They’re SUPERheroes for a reason, they embody heroics simply beyond the capabilities of mere mortals. I always thought that real life heroes either didn’t exist, or were so blown up by the media that they might as well be props for ratings. But you guys, you guys are redefining what I think is possible. While I may complain about being stuck in my house, you are out there fighting an omnipresent, invisible, and at times, seemingly invincible enemy. Your unbreakable heart, spirit and god damn bravery both humble and encourage me. So, don your gloves, masks and (metaphorical) capes, because you guys are real life superheroes, and the world could use some saving right about now. Thank you so much for you work during these hard times!! grateful for you today and everyday!:)
56) No amount of thanks is enough for you guys ❤ ❤
57) Thank you so much for everything you are doing ❤
58) We are forever grateful for you ❤
59) Thank you. First Responders
60) Thank you so much for taking care of the patients in need, I greatly appreciate you in various ways. I just wanted to say thank you!
61) Thank you for keeping us safe and calm theses times and I know that everyone is thankful.
62) Thank you so much for your bravery in every way.
63) Thank you for your commitment and hard work to crush this Coronavirus. Be safe and well!
64) I want to thank u guys so much for risking ur lives to save other. I hope u all are safe and healthy and stay that way. It means the world to the people at home that you are there to help those in need!
65) To all the FIRST RESPONDERS !! Thank you for the oath you took to protect us ! Words can never express the gratitude I feel for all of you! MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES SAFE!! THE RASIZZI FAMILY
66) Thank you for everything you are doing and putting your lives at risk to save ours, you are the true heros of our community.
67) Thank you for putting you lives at risk for us so we can’t get sick. Thank you for saving lives and being able to keep things under control. Thank you for still being bright minded and putting in hard work when you are working.
68) Hi! My name is Chelsea and I’m a sophomore in high school. I am so grateful that there are people like you in the world who are able to help people when we need it the most! Thank you for being you and doing everything you do! You are a HERO!
69) Thank you for all of your hard work and perseverance. I know times like this are very difficult, but your work does not go unnoticed. You are the reason why we are going to get out of this pandemic. Stay strong! We are all here supporting your work.
70) Dear first responder, I just want to thank you for how much you are putting on the line for us. So again, we really appreciate you for protecting us and helping us during this time of uncertainty. I do hope that once this is over, everyone will see all the hard work you’ve put in. Thank you very much!
71) Thank you for everything you done and risked for us. I could not think of something more heroic than that. So, thank you for your services to the country and to families.
72) Thank you for all your hard work and dedication
73) I want to thank u guys so much for risking ur lives to save other. I hope u all are safe and healthy and stay that way. It means the world to the people at home that you are there to help those in need! God bless you all !! Thank you for your service and dedication.
74) Dear First Responders, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your service. I, more than anyone, understand your sacrifices because my father is a first responder, paramedic for the Nassau County Police Dept. Over the past several weeks, I have seen how hard he has had to work, and the amount of hours, all taking time away from our family, plus the risk of being exposed to covid-19. And I know that many of you have had to separate from your own families. So, I just wanted to say thank you!
75) Thank you for what you do every day to keep us safe! Thank you for going the extra mile in these crazy and unpredictable times! And thank you for giving each and every one of us who sits home a sense of peace knowing that you are all out there, doing your best under these extreme circumstances you have had to work under. I have the utmost respect for each and every one of you. You truly are heroes. Please continue to stay safe.
76) Thank you for all that you do. We appreciate you!
77) I am very appreciative of the first responders and all those who help in these troubled times. Thank you for delivering my packages and caring for the sick. If the first responders weren’t here the human race would probably not survive during this situation. Thanks to all the workers and first responders who don’t get a break.
78) Bless you for your selfless duty! Stay safe!! ❣
79) Stay safe & thank you for your service!!??
80) Many people in the word are blessed and so lucky to have you in their lives. You are risking your health to help us. Without people like you we could have many more deaths or injuries. I thank you for risking your health and helping so many people in need. We need more people like you! Thank you for everything you do and keep working hard :) You Are Amazing!!
81) Thank you so much for your dedication, sacrifice, hard work and for putting yourself on the line so that we can stay safe. I know that you are sacrificing a lot in regards to your own family during these difficult times. Our lives and well-being depend on you and I am SO appreciative of all that you do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and please know that I am praying for your continued health, strength and healing during these times.
82) THANK YOU!!!!
83) Thank you for putting your life at risk everyday. You will never truly understand how thankful every single person in this world is to have you guys in our lives. You guys are trying your hardest to save people that you don’t even know. You are risking your lives to save others. Your hard work may go unnoticed by many people, but you should always feel great about yourself and the difference you are making in your communities. Just remember to keep a smile and stay positive through these terrible times, because that is what is going to help you push through and get through these times. Just know that we are all here to support you guys. You will constantly be in our thoughts and prayers. Keep your head up we are all going to get through this together. Stay safe!!
84) Dear First responder, I am extremely thankful for the work you and the other first responders are preforming. You are carrying the weight of the people on your shoulders and you are saving lives every day. Keep us with the fantastic work, good luck in the streets, and stay healthy.
85) Thank you for all you do!!
86) Thank you for risking you life for us!!
87) Hello! Hope you are staying healthy and strong! It is a difficult time for everyone but we are especially grateful for your bravery and service. Thank you to all the First Responders for your dedication and willingness to help. You are our heroes! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
88) Dear First responders, I am so grateful for what you guys are doing. You guys are putting your lives on the line for people you don’t even know. You guys are some of the bravest and strongest people out there. And I just wanted to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much and keep doing what your doing. From Matthew Nochowitz
89) Thank you to all of you for being so courageous. You are the reason that we are able to stay healthy and sane during this pandemic, and it means the world that you are all being so brave. Thank you for your hard work. -Jacob
90) Thank you for looking out for all of us
91) Thank you, you really don’t realize the significance in your role in society right now. Continue to help people fight and get better. I also hope you stay in good health. Much respect.
92) Hi I would like to say thank you for all that you guys have done in this hard time. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be with this pandemic, thank you so much for taking you time and hard work to help everyone in this country, thank you again and stay safe.
93) Thank you, you really dont realize the significance in your role in society right now. Continue to help people fight and get better. While i also hope you stay in good health. Much respect.
94) Thank you so much to all of the brave heroes on the front lines during this unreal time. While most of us are staying home, you all are out there every day keeping the rest of us safe. Please stay safe yourselves and I can’t wait until I can shake your hands in person to thank you again! -Kevin Kurrus
95) Thank you for putting yourself at risk everyday to keep us safe!