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Photo of the Week Feb 3, 2014

Working house fire on Fairview Avenue, late 1990's.  BFD Members prepare to rescue trapped firefighters after a roof collapse.  All firefighters survived the incident and only a few minor injuries occured.  The fire was caused by a faulty indoor pool heater. 


Photo of the Week Feb 10, 2014


Signal 27, July 7, 2012

At 14:31 Hrs the Bayport Fire Department responded to a Aircraft Emergency at the Bayport Aerodome. On arrival units acted fast and professional in securing the aircraft and helping EMS crews with the 2 patient's who walked away with minor injuries. All agencies who responded did a great job in handling the task at hand. Photo Credit Lj Gillette




Photo of the week Dec 16, 2013

Our First Firehouse.  Looking West down Middle Rd.  The Orginal firehouse was demolished after the current headquarters was built.  Today the lots have three buildings with a similar look to the original firehouse and they are called Firehouse Commons. 




Exit Drills In The Home

Something that every family should practice regardless of the age of the people in the house.  Even if you live alone, you should still make sure you know every way out of your home in the event of a fire.  Create a home escape plan using this from the NFPA.

  • Fire escape planning and practicing a home fire escape plan.
  • Clear your escape routes Make sure windows and doors in your home are unblocked.
  • Security bars: Sometimes a device that prevents one hazard creates another.
  • Sleepover fire safety for kids Is your child safe staying overnight at a friend's home? 
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