August Reising
- Written by Bayport FD
- Published in Burial Sites
- Read 716 times
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August Reising died at his home In Bayport yesterday of consumption, aged 43 years. He was formerly proprietor of the Manhattan Hotel in Bayport, where he was a tenant of State Treasurer Julius Hau-; ser. Ten days ago Mr. Reising was, taken to the County Home at Yaphank for treatment, and was brought back to his home on Monday, where he died soon, after his arrival. He leaves a wife and three children, the oldest a. 17-year-old son, who is chauffeur for tr. George B, Rice of the Bayport summer colony. Funeral from the house 2 p.m. tomorrow Interment in Union Cemetery, here-, besldes the remains ot his mother, Mrs, John Rocks.
Additional Info
- First: August
- Last: Reising
- DOB: Wednesday, 01 January 1868
- DOD: Friday, 02 September 2011
- Location: Union Cemetery Sayville
- Age: 43
- URL:
- notes: August Reising died at his home In Bayport yesterday of consumption, aged 43 years. He was formerly proprietor of the Manhattan Hotel in Bayport, where he was a tenant of State Treasurer Julius Hau-; ser. Ten days ago Mr. Reising was, taken to the County Home at Yaphank for treatment, and was brought back to his home on Monday, where he died soon, after his arrival. He leaves a wife and three children, the oldest a. 17-year-old son, who is chauffeur for tr. George B, Rice of the Bayport summer colony. Funeral from the house 2 p.m. tomorrow Interment in Union Cemetery, here-, besldes the remains ot his mother, Mrs, John Rocks.
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